Open ended movies – Anniyan (#atozapril 2013 challenge)

Very innovative sub-genre from Tossing it out for the letter O of the A to Z challenge.

To put it simply, these are films whose ending is not clear,  confusing, or not an ending at all  –  Anniyan (2005) was one of those movies which fall into this category  –  there was no ending at all  or to be more precise, the ending was more like the beginning of the story line again.  This movie used the medical condition of Multiple Personality Disorder and weaved a thrilling story line around it  –  the lead actor Vikram had put in great efforts to bring in the difference between the differences between his two split personalities.  This movie did make a tremendous impact on the south Indian scene and was equally a box-office hit.

In an analogy, our lives is open-ended  –   when at times we feel that we have figured out it all, it opens up a big set of surprises!   Probably that is what makes all of us interested in life  –  the surprise factor, the factor that there are millions of things which we will keep coming up new every day for us to understand and appreciate, the ever-lasting secrets of nature –  what makes a flower bloom? what will the worms think? why is the planetary system following the standard routine?etc etc…..

Life, ofcourse is beautiful………being open ended adds to that beauty!!

Posted on April 18, 2013, in Movies and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. real fast !! back to back !! i give up for the day 🙂

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